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{ "Id": 4746, "Name": "Orogenic HT12050, 12V 50 Ah", "Url": "/noedstroem/li-ion-batterier/orogenic-ht12050-12v-50-ah", "Url_List": [ "/noedstroem/li-ion-batterier/orogenic-ht12050-12v-50-ah" ], "UrlSlug": "orogenic-ht12050-12v-50-ah", "ParentId": 1844, "ParentId_List": [ 3594 ], "ParentName": "", "ParentUrl": "", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T15:59:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "12 Volt 50 Ah Lithium Ion batteri.\n\nOrogenic Lithium batterier er kvalitetsprodukter fremstillet i Kina, og med indbygget BMS for øget sikkerhed. \n\nBatteriet er fremstillet med kasse, og låg ABS plast.\n\nTypiske anvendelsesområder for dette podukt:\n\n• Energi lagring (solcelle/vindmølle systemer)\n\n• UPS backup\n\n• Tele installationer\n\n• Alarm installationer\n\n• Nødlyssystemer\n\n• Campingvogn\n\n• Installationer hvor reduceret vægt er vigtig\n\nIkke egnet til:\n\n• Startbatteri\n\n• Små elektriske køretøjer", "Weighting": 20, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "1-12050", "SmallImage": "/img/products/Orogenic-HT12050.png", "LargeImage": "", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 0, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 3298.0000, "PriceHtml": "3.298,00", "priceWithTax": 3298.00, "priceWithTaxHtml": "3.298,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 2, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 3298.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 4746, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 0, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 3298.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 3298.0000 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
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\nVelegnet til en til en udskiftning af bly batteri.\nEgenskaber:\n-kan parallelkobles\n-Mange op- og afladninger\n-Indbygget BMS (maksimum sikkerhed)\n-Bluetooth med adgang til information om - ladetilstand, spænding, strøm og temperatur.\n-Oplades op til 5 x hurtigere end bly batterier\n- dimensioner som gør det muligt at udskifte bly batteri\n-velegnet til campingvogn, solceller m.m.\n-CE mærket\n-UN 38.3 godkendelse\n-Industri reference: G24, D26, H6, H3\n
\n", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "DLB G24-12V", "SmallImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-g24.png", "LargeImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-g24.png", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 1, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 0.0, "PriceHtml": "0,00", "priceWithTax": 0.0, "priceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 0, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 3963, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 1, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 0.0 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "/img/products/Left-Handle-up.png", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 12V 100Ah", "SEOTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 12V 100Ah", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
{ "Id": 3964, "Name": "Discover Lihium Blue 12V 200Ah", "Url": "/brands/discover/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "Url_List": [ "/brands/discover/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "/mobility/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "/mobility/li-ion-batterier/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "/noedstroem/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "/noedstroem/li-ion-batterier/discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah" ], "UrlSlug": "discover-lihium-blue-12v-200ah", "ParentId": 1844, "ParentId_List": [ 3575, 3576, 3594, 3600, 3628 ], "ParentName": "", "ParentUrl": "", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T14:08:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "Discover 12 volt Lithium batteri med 200 Ah - et kvalitets batteri som op fylder alle sikkerhedskrav.
\nVelegnet til en til en udskiftning af bly batteri.\nEgenskaber:\n-Kan parallelkobles\n-Mange op- og afladninger\n-Indbygget BMS (maksimum sikkerhed)\n-Bluetooth med adgang til information om - ladetilstand, spænding, strøm og temperatur.\n-Oplades op til 5 x hurtigere en bly batterier\n- dimensioner som gør det muligt at udskifte bly batteri\n-velegnet til campingvogn, solceller m.m.\n-CE mærket\n-UN 38.3 godkendelse\n-Industri reference: G24, D26, H6, H3\n", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "DLB GC12-12V", "SmallImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-gc12.png", "LargeImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-gc12.png", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 1, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 0.0, "PriceHtml": "0,00", "priceWithTax": 0.0, "priceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 0, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 3964, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 1, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 0.0 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "/img/products/Left-Handle-up.png", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 12V 200Ah", "SEOTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 12V 200Ah", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
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\nVelegnet til en til en udskiftning af bly batteri.\nEgenskaber:\n-Kan parallelkobles\n-Mange op- og afladninger\n-Indbygget BMS (maksimum sikkerhed)\n-Bluetooth med adgang til information om - ladetilstand, spænding, strøm og temperatur.\n-Oplades op til 5 x hurtigere end bly batterier\n- dimensioner som gør det muligt at udskifte bly batteri\n-velegnet til campingvogn, solceller m.m.\n-CE mærket\n-UN 38.3 godkendelse\n-Industri reference: G24, D26, H6, H3\n", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "DLB G24-36V", "SmallImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-g24.png", "LargeImage": "/img/products/dl-blue-g24.png", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 1, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 0.0, "PriceHtml": "0,00", "priceWithTax": 0.0, "priceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 0, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 3967, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 1, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 0.0 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "/img/products/Left-Handle-up.png", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 36V 30Ah", "SEOTitle": "Discover Lihium Blue 36V 30Ah", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
{ "Id": 4528, "Name": "Leoch Li-Ion 48V - 50Ah", "Url": "/noedstroem/leoch-li-ion-48v-50ah", "Url_List": [ "/noedstroem/leoch-li-ion-48v-50ah", "/noedstroem/li-ion-batterier/leoch-li-ion-48v-50ah" ], "UrlSlug": "leoch-li-ion-48v-50ah", "ParentId": 1844, "ParentId_List": [ 3575, 3594 ], "ParentName": "", "ParentUrl": "", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T15:26:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "Leoch Lthium batteri 48Volt 50Ah for 19\"\" rack, til erstatning for bly batterier.
\n-Indbygget i sort stålkasse, beskyttelsesklasse IP30
\n-Indbygget BMS og kan parallelkobles for højere kapacitet (op til 15 enheder i parallel)
\n-Celletype, Lithium Jern fosfat
\n-Ladning i temperatur området 0 - +55C
\n-Afladning i temperatur området -20 - +60C", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "LFeLi-4850TB", "SmallImage": "/img/products/orogenic-batterier-07.jpg", "LargeImage": "", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 1, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 0.0, "PriceHtml": "0,00", "priceWithTax": 0.0, "priceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 0, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 4528, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 1, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 0.0, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 0.0 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "Leoch Li-Ion 48V - 50Ah", "SEOTitle": "Leoch Li-Ion 48V - 50Ah", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
{ "Id": 4727, "Name": "Orogenic HT12020, 12V 20Ah", "Url": "/mobility/li-ion-batterier/orogenic-ht12020-12v-20ah", "Url_List": [ "/mobility/li-ion-batterier/orogenic-ht12020-12v-20ah", "/noedstroem/li-ion-batterier/orogenic-ht12020-12v-20ah" ], "UrlSlug": "orogenic-ht12020-12v-20ah", "ParentId": 1844, "ParentId_List": [ 3594, 3600 ], "ParentName": "", "ParentUrl": "", "TemplateName": "Shop template", "Module_Alias": "Product", "Module_ID": 1844, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-07-12T15:55:00", "ExpiryDate": "2199-12-12T23:59:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "12 Volt 20 Ah Lithium Ion batteri.\n\nOrogenic Lithium batterier er kvalitetsprodukter fremstillet i Kina, og med indbygget BMS for øget sikkerhed. \n\nBatteriet er fremstillet med kasse og låg i ABS plast.\n\nTypiske anvendelsesområder for dette podukt:\n\n• Energi lagring (solcelle/vindmølle systemer)\n\n• UPS backup\n\n• Tele installationer\n\n• Alarm installationer\n\n• Nødlyssystemer\n\n• Campingvogn\n\n• Installationer hvor reduceret vægt er vigtig\n\nIkke egnet til:\n\n• Startbatteri\n\n• Små elektriske køretøjer", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "SKUCode": "1-12020", "SmallImage": "/img/products/1-12020_1.png", "LargeImage": "/img/products/1-12020_2.png", "OnSale": false, "IsGiftVoucher": false, "ProductWeight": 0.0, "ProductWidth": 0.0, "ProductHeight": 0.0, "ProductDepth": 0.0, "EnableDropShipping": false, "UnitType": "False", "MinimumUnits": 0, "MaximumUnits": 0, "RecurringType": "None", "IsShippable": false, "IsDownloadable": false, "NumberOfPossibleDownloads": 0, "Supplier": 0, "Price": 1578.0000, "PriceHtml": "1.578,00", "priceWithTax": 1578.00, "priceWithTaxHtml": "1.578,00", "RecommendedPriceWithTax": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceWithTaxHtml": "0,00", "RecommendedPrice": 0.0, "RecommendedPriceHtml": "0,00", "EnableInventoryControl": false, "HasGeneratedInventoryProducts": false, "InStockHtml": "", "IsHide": false, "InStock": 0, "IsDisable": false, "taxRate": 0.0, "IsGroupedProduct": false, "decimalsQuantity": 2, "VolumeDiscount": [ { "Price": 1578.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "ProductDataJSON": { "itemId": 4727, "maximumUnits": 0, "minimumUnits": 0, "recommendedPrice": 0.0, "QuantityThreshold": [ { "Price": 1578.0000, "Quantity": 0 } ], "inStockTotal": null, "prices": { "0": 1578.0000 }, "enablePreOrder": false, "variations": null, "attributes": {}, "options": {}, "taxRate": 0.0, "taxInPercent": 0.0 }, "ProductDataJsonHTML": "", "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [], "ItemCategoryIdList": [], "ItemTags": [], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Custom1": "", "Custom2": "", "Custom3": "", "Custom4": "", "PopletImage1": "", "PopletImage2": "", "PopletImage3": "", "PopletImage4": "", "PopletImage5": "", "PopletImage6": "", "PopletImage7": "", "PopletImage8": "", "PopletImage9": "", "PopletImage10": "", "CaptureDetails": false, "CommissionPayable": "0", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": "", "type": "", "url": "", "locale": "", "image": "" }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": {} }
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